Monday, March 31, 2008

Chocolates and human

  • According to a nationwide survey done by the Chocolate Manufacturers Association:
  • Chocolate is America's favorite flavor. A recent survey revealed that 52 percent of U.S. adults said they like chocolate best. The second favorite flavor was a tie (at 12 percent each) between berry flavors and vanilla.
  • Most Americans (63%) can't resist buying a chocolate treat for themselves when buying chocolates for someone else.
Two-thirds of the fat in chocolate comes in the forms of a saturated fat called stearic acid and a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. However, unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid does not raise levels of LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. Consuming relatively large amounts of dark chocolate and cocoa does not seem to raise serum LDL cholesterol levels; some studies even find that it could lower them.

Indeed, small but regular amounts of dark chocolate lowers the possibility of heart attack[32], a result of cholesterol imbalance according to the lipid hypothesis.

Dark chocolate has been found to help people metabolize sugar, which can be used as a treatment for diabetes.

It is recommended that people who eat dark chocolate for the medical benefits eat only a moderate amount and make sure to cut the calories from other foods that are similar that would have been consumed.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Animal research

Animal testing or animal research is the use of non-human animals in scientific experimentation.

use of animal testing:-

1)Research on animals is important in understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent them. The polio vaccine, kidney transplants, and heart surgery techniques have all been developed with the help of animal research. Through increased efforts by the scientific community, effective treatments for diabetes, diphtheria, and other diseases have been developed with animal testing

Sunday, March 16, 2008

animal testing by kinisuku amashirayatatosutu

i think that animal testing should not be banned because do you want to risk your own life in using cosmetics products which have not been tested on you want it? well of course no...nobody wants to risk their life...except in the suicide hotline.....we should test it on animals which are not rats for exaple...disgusting creatures. if you say that animal testing should be banned why just not test it on new born babies. its just the same as rats except rats we do not feel any emotional feeling for the rat. if u say that animal testing should be banned why on earth did god created animals for?animal testing should not be banned but it should not test on endagered species


Animal Testing

What is animal testing?
It is the use of animals for scientific experimentation. It is estimated that 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals worldwide — from zebrafish to non-human primates — are used annually. It is such an inhuman act but for some reasons, we have to do it.

We have to respect the animals as both of us (i.e. humans and animals) live together as one. The animals are used for xerotransplantation, toxicology testing, cosmetic testing and so on. It is also a form of euthanasia.

I think it is not only neccessary but we should, because it is unethical to do human testing for a research that we don't know what will be the outcome. The use of animal research is actually to assure human and animal relief from the specter of desease and suffering. To ignore human and animal suffering is irresponsible and unethical. Talking aboout rights, well it is actually an obligaton.

Animal's Pain and Suffering?
Even the use of animal in tresearch and testing is strictly controlled, particularly regarding pain. The scientific community advocatyes the highest quality of animal care treatment for two key factors:

1) The use of animal research is privilege
2) those animals that are helping us unlock the mysteries of desease deserve our respect and the best possible care

What will happen when the experiment completed?
majority of animals must be euthanized!

hehe :p

by erma

thank you for smoking by yalevaden abdul muden





Nick's greatest enemy is Vermont's Senator Ortolan Finistirre, who defends in the Senate the use a skull and crossed bones in the cigarette packs. Nick's son Joey Naylor lives with his mother, and has the chance to know his father in a business trip. When the ambitious reporter Heather Holloway betrays Nick disclosing confidences he had in bed with her, his life turns upside-down. But Nick is good in what he does for the mortgage


Thank you for smoking

It is an interesting movie with a flows of heated debate on smoking cigerrates. That man on the picture is a professional talker. He talk about how good smoking is to the people and due to this many people scared of him. Not to mention how many people does hate him! He doesn't actually directly encourage the people to do smoke but he want them to try out themselves and decide foe themselves, because they know what is better for themselves. He doesn't want the people to actually let others to decide what is good and what is not good for them; sometime a little bit more in practice is neccessary.

His job is dangerous! why?

because many people hate him, he is regarded as the father of indirect well known killer. He encourage people to smoke. He was once kidnapped for it.

Although, he dooesn't quit his job! and why?!!!

the reason is simple...... He's good at it! He only has these ability to talk and convincing the people... he could make the people shut their mouth and to listen and obey him. However he is a good father to a smart son. His son more comfortable staying with his father than the mother. He could learn more from him; do arguments not negotiation.

hehe ;p

by erma

Thank You For Smoking

Thank You for Smoking is a 2006, Golden Globe Award-nominated film satire directed by Jason Reitman and produced by David O. Sacks.

My reviews and opinions about the movie.
A movie that ver different that others. we keep seeing posters and movies that ranges from persuasive and understanding "smoking produces bla bla blah" to simple kiddy informative-" 'SMOKING KILLS". Its like, there's only one industry thats supporting smoking and yes, obviously, its the tobacco companies. Despite from the business views, economics views, health views and etc, there's still a large numbers of people who smokes. Yer, this movie is the first movie that 'seems' to be standing in the smoking side but according to wikipedia

" According to the film's director, this film is neither pro- nor anti-smoking."

anyway, a good movie. But then, after i watched the movie, i still have no interest in smoking. It is, like they say, bad for our health.

Animal Testing-Good Or Bad?

Well, its bad when you are the one that's being experimented. But its good for the millions of mankinds out there! From animal testing, we get guarantees that supports those researchers to the next step. If the medicine proves to be failing in the stage of animal testing, then it helped to save at least a persons lives. So its good. Cruel but good.

"Thank you for smoking"

The movie ''Thank You For Smoking'' is directed by Jason Reitman in 2005 and is nominated in Golden-Globe Award.
Eventhough smoking are famous for its effects and consequences, but there are also some advanteges in smoking.. This movie is about a man who is the Vice President of and the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies has the ability to persuade other people about the advantages of smoking. The film follows his career as a talking head for big tobacco, appearing in both public speaking engagements and on television programs.
He has been to many show just to tell the nation about the rights of smokers. His job is extremely dangerous as he had to face the public as well as the Vice president of the states. But in the end, he stopped being a lobbyist instwead he became a public relations training firm.
It is quite an inuteresting movie but I can only give 3 out of 5 stars for that movie because smoking do brings bad effects to human. There are no case saying that smoking give the possitive effects.
Done by fifah...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

bad effect of smoking

Why is cigarette smoking bad for me?
Everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer when you get older, but did you know that it also has bad effects on your body right now? A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous.


Nicotine: a deadly poison
Arsenic: used in rat poison
Methane: a component of rocket fuel
Ammonia: found in floor cleaner
Cadmium: used in batteries
Carbon Monoxide: part of car exhaust
Formaldehyde: used to preserve body tissue
Butane: lighter fluid
Hydrogen Cyanide: the poison used in gas chambers f the worst ones

another bad effect:-
1)smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years.
2)cause disease which is Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death due to smoking and lung cancer
3)Smoking raises blood pressure, which can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) - a risk factor for heart attacks and stroke
4)Heavy smokers are twice as likely to get macular degeneration, resulting in the gradual loss of eyesight.
5)Smoking also affects your looks: smokers have paler skin and more wrinkles. This is because smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin and lowers levels of vitamin A.
6)Smoking causes an acid taste in the mouth and contributes to the development of ulcers.
7)Smoking increases your risk of periodontal disease, which causes swollen gums, bad breath and teeth to fall out
8)Smoking stains your teeth and gums.
9)Smokers take 25 per cent more sick days year than non-smokers.
10)Smokers run an increased risk of cataracts
11)Smoking worsens asthma and counteracts asthma medication by worsening the inflammation of the airways that the medicine tries to ease.
12)Couples who smoke are more likely to have fertility problems than couples who are non-smokers.

Danger of smoking

We have known that smoking is bad for our health. But from

it says that its not a danger to our health only, its also a danger to our saving and finance.
Do you know that

The net worth of people who had ever been heavy smokers was almost $8,400 less than that of lifelong nonsmokers. Light smokers' net worth was almost $2,100 below that of nonsmokers.
The wealth gap widened every year.
For every adult year of smoking, net worth dropped $410, or nearly 4%. Since most smokers smoked for nearly 7.5 years, "the total penalty for the typical heavy smoker is almost $11,400, and the total penalty for the typical light smoker is $5,100," writes Zagorsky.

Well back to the danger to our health here's some statistics to explain it:

Lung cancer estimates for 2007 (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007):
New cases: 213,380
Males: 114,760
Females: 98,620
Deaths: 160,390
Males: 89,510
Females: 70,880

Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)

Huge numbers isn't it?! Well, when u see the 40% of cancer deaths u may think.."WHAT?only 30%? That's very little" BUT you should know that they are A LOT of cancers varieties. And 70% of it consists of cancers caused by other factors, so 30% is a very big number.

And a very huge problem is that young teens tends to think that they are young so their body is strong and are able to cope with it. well, think again while you read this stats:

In 1997, nearly one-half (48%) of male high school students and more than one-third (36%) of female students reported using some form of tobacco -- cigarettes, cigars, or oral tobacco products--in the past month. The percentages declined to 32% for male students and 25% for female students in 2005. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)

Not only, its a danger to the smokers, it is also a danger to us passive smokers.

Each year, about 3,000 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Each year secondhand smoke also causes an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are not current smokers. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)

AND if you did pay attention on the statistics, you will see that the source are from year 2007. Its not long ago, its actually LAST YEAR so can you see how tobacco smoking is a danger to us and the society? Can you see how it endanger the non-smoking community as well?That is why we should not be smoking~

negative effect of smoking

Everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer when you get older, but did you know that it also has bad effects on your body right now? A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous. Some of the worst ones are:
Nicotine: a deadly poison
Arsenic: used in rat poison
Methane: a component of rocket fuel
Ammonia: found in floor cleaner
Cadmium: used in batteries
Carbon Monoxide: part of car exhaust
Formaldehyde: used to preserve body tissue
Butane: lighter fluid
Hydrogen Cyanide: the poison used in gas chambers
Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, small amounts of these chemicals get into your blood through your lungs. They travel to all the parts of your body and cause harm.

    these are the some effects of smoking....BAD EFFECTS

  • Smoking makes you smell bad, gives you wrinkles, stains your teeth, and gives you bad breath.

  • Smokers get 3 times more cavities than non-smokers.

  • Smoking lowers your hormone levels.
  • When smokers catch a cold, they are more likely than non-smokers to have a cough that lasts a long time. They are also more likely than non-smokers to get bronchitis and pneumonia

  • Teen smokers have smaller lungs and a weaker heart than teen non-smokers. They also get sick more often than teens who don't smoke.
  • smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the skin — which is why smokers often appear pale and unhealthy. An Italian study also linked smoking to an increased risk of getting a type of skin rash called psoriasis.
  • People who smoke usually can't compete with nonsmoking peers because the physical effects of smoking (like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath) impair sports performance.
  • Smoking affects the body's ability to produce collagen, so common sports injuries, such as damage to tendons and ligaments, will heal more slowly in smokers than nonsmokers.

the picture of death(smoking kills)

Consequences of Tabacco Smoking

  • Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burned dried or cured leaves of tobacco plant.People smoke for pleasure, for ritualistic or social purposes, or for self-medication.

  1. It cause cancer to the smoker and to the people around him (passive smoker).
  2. It also can cause periodontal disease and tooth loss.
  3. Bad breath
  4. Stained teeth and gums.
  5. Loss of taste
  6. Mouth sores
  7. May cause the prematured baby if the female smoker is pregnant.
  8. Smelly clothes
  9. Empty wallets - as the cigarettes are very expensive!
  10. Can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) - leads to heart attacks & stroke.
  11. Fertility problems to the couple who smokes.
  12. Leads to the inflamation of airways which can cause asthma.
  13. Can cause bloodshot appearance and itchiness to the eyes.
  14. Increase the risk of cataracts.
  15. Affects the looks - paler skin and more wrinkles.