"Thank you for smoking"

The movie ''Thank You For Smoking'' is directed by Jason Reitman in 2005 and is nominated in Golden-Globe Award.
Eventhough smoking are famous for its effects and consequences, but there are also some advanteges in smoking.. This movie is about a man who is the Vice President of and the chief spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies has the ability to persuade other people about the advantages of smoking. The film follows his career as a talking head for big tobacco, appearing in both public speaking engagements and on television programs.
He has been to many show just to tell the nation about the rights of smokers. His job is extremely dangerous as he had to face the public as well as the Vice president of the states. But in the end, he stopped being a lobbyist instwead he became a public relations training firm.
It is quite an inuteresting movie but I can only give 3 out of 5 stars for that movie because smoking do brings bad effects to human. There are no case saying that smoking give the possitive effects.
Done by fifah...
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