Sunday, March 2, 2008

Consequences of Tabacco Smoking

  • Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burned dried or cured leaves of tobacco plant.People smoke for pleasure, for ritualistic or social purposes, or for self-medication.

  1. It cause cancer to the smoker and to the people around him (passive smoker).
  2. It also can cause periodontal disease and tooth loss.
  3. Bad breath
  4. Stained teeth and gums.
  5. Loss of taste
  6. Mouth sores
  7. May cause the prematured baby if the female smoker is pregnant.
  8. Smelly clothes
  9. Empty wallets - as the cigarettes are very expensive!
  10. Can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) - leads to heart attacks & stroke.
  11. Fertility problems to the couple who smokes.
  12. Leads to the inflamation of airways which can cause asthma.
  13. Can cause bloodshot appearance and itchiness to the eyes.
  14. Increase the risk of cataracts.
  15. Affects the looks - paler skin and more wrinkles.


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