According to wikipedia~
"Freedom Writers is a 2007 American film starring Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, Imelda Staunton and Patrick Dempsey. It is based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell. The title is a play on both the terms of "Freedom Riders", the black and white civil rights activists who tested the U.S. Supreme Court decision ordering the desegregation of interstate buses in 1961, and Freedom Fighters, as in somebody who fights for freedom."
For me its a touching story that shows us how racism had caused sad stories everywhere.

There's no winners in any wars especially when it involves racism!!! because we are all HUMANS and we live on the same EARTH!! we breath OXYGEN and sleep,eat and die. We only got different skin tones and names to SAY WHO WE ARE!! imagine a world where everyone looks alike~and that would be confusing right???Well, i think the plotline is great and the teacher is not only beautiful but also good in acting!!! Love the storyline, love the acting, love the movie!! educational and not boring!!!
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