Danger of smoking
We have known that smoking is bad for our health. But from
it says that its not a danger to our health only, its also a danger to our saving and finance.
Do you know that
The net worth of people who had ever been heavy smokers was almost $8,400 less than that of lifelong nonsmokers. Light smokers' net worth was almost $2,100 below that of nonsmokers.
The wealth gap widened every year.
For every adult year of smoking, net worth dropped $410, or nearly 4%. Since most smokers smoked for nearly 7.5 years, "the total penalty for the typical heavy smoker is almost $11,400, and the total penalty for the typical light smoker is $5,100," writes Zagorsky.
Well back to the danger to our health here's some statistics to explain it:
Lung cancer estimates for 2007 (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007):
New cases: 213,380
Males: 114,760
Females: 98,620
Deaths: 160,390
Males: 89,510
Females: 70,880
Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
Huge numbers isn't it?! Well, when u see the 40% of cancer deaths u may think.."WHAT?only 30%? That's very little" BUT you should know that they are A LOT of cancers varieties. And 70% of it consists of cancers caused by other factors, so 30% is a very big number.
And a very huge problem is that young teens tends to think that they are young so their body is strong and are able to cope with it. well, think again while you read this stats:

In 1997, nearly one-half (48%) of male high school students and more than one-third (36%) of female students reported using some form of tobacco -- cigarettes, cigars, or oral tobacco products--in the past month. The percentages declined to 32% for male students and 25% for female students in 2005. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
Not only, its a danger to the smokers, it is also a danger to us passive smokers.

Each year, about 3,000 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Each year secondhand smoke also causes an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are not current smokers. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
AND if you did pay attention on the statistics, you will see that the source are from year 2007. Its not long ago, its actually LAST YEAR so can you see how tobacco smoking is a danger to us and the society? Can you see how it endanger the non-smoking community as well?That is why we should not be smoking~

it says that its not a danger to our health only, its also a danger to our saving and finance.
Do you know that
The net worth of people who had ever been heavy smokers was almost $8,400 less than that of lifelong nonsmokers. Light smokers' net worth was almost $2,100 below that of nonsmokers.
The wealth gap widened every year.
For every adult year of smoking, net worth dropped $410, or nearly 4%. Since most smokers smoked for nearly 7.5 years, "the total penalty for the typical heavy smoker is almost $11,400, and the total penalty for the typical light smoker is $5,100," writes Zagorsky.
Well back to the danger to our health here's some statistics to explain it:
Lung cancer estimates for 2007 (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007):
New cases: 213,380
Males: 114,760
Females: 98,620
Deaths: 160,390
Males: 89,510
Females: 70,880
Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
Huge numbers isn't it?! Well, when u see the 40% of cancer deaths u may think.."WHAT?only 30%? That's very little" BUT you should know that they are A LOT of cancers varieties. And 70% of it consists of cancers caused by other factors, so 30% is a very big number.
And a very huge problem is that young teens tends to think that they are young so their body is strong and are able to cope with it. well, think again while you read this stats:

In 1997, nearly one-half (48%) of male high school students and more than one-third (36%) of female students reported using some form of tobacco -- cigarettes, cigars, or oral tobacco products--in the past month. The percentages declined to 32% for male students and 25% for female students in 2005. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
Not only, its a danger to the smokers, it is also a danger to us passive smokers.

Each year, about 3,000 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Each year secondhand smoke also causes an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are not current smokers. (Source: Cancer Facts and Figures 2007)
AND if you did pay attention on the statistics, you will see that the source are from year 2007. Its not long ago, its actually LAST YEAR so can you see how tobacco smoking is a danger to us and the society? Can you see how it endanger the non-smoking community as well?That is why we should not be smoking~

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