Blizzard's Blog
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

hehehehehe here is my little brother asking forgiveness from my father...hehehehehehe...doesn't really look very sincere now isn't he....

hehehehehehe.....i think that u all noe who is this...i'm feel so shy..hehehehe...
this is the first day of my raya where i ask for forgiveness from my father..hehehehe...ignore my face....
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
In term of foods, the cakes or biscuits are serving only on uncovered plates. In the past, the people used ‘kain kasa’ if any or ‘kain lapas’ (cloth which has not been knit) to covered these food, with laminate drink bottle stand still below these clothes as a mean to prevent the clothes to met with the food. This bottle is also use as drinks for the Hari Raya, old people said that this drinks is really delicious, tastier than any other drinks that we have this time. The foods that are served is mainly Brunei traditional food that are still exist until nowadays such as ‘sapit’, ’kueh mor’, ‘kek sarang’, ‘kek seroja’ and etc.
Also, it is one of the tradition in which a house that still have an unmarried women will placed a whole cake in the middle of the serving food table, they called these as ‘kepala meja’ which is surrounded with the others cakes and biscuits. These cake is not for serve, it is just be left there untouched, if it is touched or in other words there is some part of the cakes that has been eaten, there a meaning behind those. Guess what? It means that there is a guy/man who wished to have that unmarried woman as his partner/wife. The most common cake used as ‘kepala meja’ is ‘kek sarang’.
The teenage girls went for Hari Raya with their boyfriend or fiancé or in short with the other teenagers of their age. They are not encouraged to go for Raya with their parents or the older ones. Why? I don’t know why as well, it is just a tradition during the past.
How about the green packet that most children are aiming for? In the past each children were given 0.50 cent if lucky if not they will get a sweet as a replacement.
My Raya this year is the same as before!! Quite boring.. Hahahaha But at least I tried to enjoy it though hahahahaha.... Below are some pictures from my Raya album.. Enjoy =)
This is my family.. Am I cute?! Thanks lolz =P
Raya at my grandma's house.. hehe
u should look at my make up pic
Okay.. Until next time.. toodles..
In the past, Hari Raya Aidilfitri which is also known as EID-UL-FITRI (Arabic name) was celebrated with full of ‘tata tertib’. The visitors were not only consist of family members and friends but it is widely open to anyone regardless who they are and where they are from. This is necessary because in the past Hari Raya means celebrating the winning festival with everybody and this shows that in the past Hari Raya is celebrated with full of excitement and happiness.
There is also some old people said that Hari Raya is the time when people do the ‘counter strike’ which mean when people visit your house for Raya then you have to visit their house as a mean of ‘payment’, Brunei people called this as ‘balas-balasan’.
Now let’s talk about house decoration. In the past, when the time, we called it as ‘waktu pukul’ (on the eve of Raya) people will start decorating their house, be alert that they only decorated their house on the eve of EID only, because if they prepare it earlier it will spoil the EID festivity. They use ‘tanglung’ if any or ‘minyak tanah’ as colorful light bulbs. These people will stay out night doing the decoration until the dawn arrives. There’s also extra activity during that night in which the youngster and children (restricted to female only) will be having henna and ‘mandi pulut’ but the older ones are not allowed!
After Hari Raya praying, family members will gathered together and that morning everyone will shakes hand and ask for forgiveness to each other, this will be lead first to the older ones then to the next. This first day of Hari Raya family members will only stayed at their house chit chatting and celebrating the end of Ramadhan with common food being serve in that morning raya such as ‘kelupis with curry meat and wajid’.
It will be the next day when people will go visiting the neighbors, friends or others people house. The Hari Raya celebration only lasted maximum for a week only.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Selamat hari raya people~
Since omoz everyone is having hari raya feast which include nasi kuning, rendag , mee hoon and more, i'm goin to intro my home made sandwich and juice `its not only healthy but heavenly-delicious~~
Hot dog, egg, cucumber and most inportantly BREAD!!!
the contents

the bread-no oil is used~

The bread + the contents = yee teng and sister's yummy homemade sandwich (and btw, its halal)

that's the sandwich part~
Now thw yummy icy-juice part
sebiji kiwi
sebiji lemon
dua biji oren
banyak ais
then blender it -

then u get to be as pretty as this girl

--------------yee teng is beaten up and have to go now------------------------
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

this is our blog?
huh...kinda kool but it looks empty.....
and why is our password based on sombudy...eventhough he/she created this.....
oh least we have a blog twin how evil am i???
huh....well hari raya is coming up so i wish all of my gp group selamat hari raya....maaf zahir dan batin
对toh yee teng... 愉快的假日和selamat hari raya 2 u 2... eventhough 您不庆祝它