Fad Diet
Fad Diet is a poor weight loss. They are not the best way in the world to lose weight.To lose weight you need to eat less calories than you burn. Increase your activity level and decrease the amount of calories you consume and you will lose weight.

List of Fad Diets
- Atkins
Although written in the 1970s, Atkins Diet Revolution became a huge phenomenon only in the last few years. - Cabbage Soup Diet
This diet is not sustainable but continues to fall in and out favor. - Negative Calorie Diet
Based on a concept with little science to back it up. - Low Fat diet
Very popular during the 1980s and 1990s. - Low Carb diet
Experienced a huge surge in popularity during 2003-2004 - but interest began to decline towards the end of 2004. - 3 Day diet
There are many incarnations of 3 day diet floating around. These kind of diet are popular due to the promise of instant gratification. There is never any long term success with such a diet. - Zone Diet
Many consider the Zone diet to be a fad diet - however this diet continues to remain popular with many. - South Beach Diet
The South Beach continues to be one of the biggest selling diet books of all time. Enthusiasm for the diet has not yet faded, and it maybe unfair to call this a fad.
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